Candelabria development update

Hello Noble Candles!

Here we are with a new update. Let’s go!


We are going on with the development of everything. In detail:

Art: Finished!

Game design and playtest: The playtest are now complete and the game design is finished.

Layout and impagination: Punchboards and cards finished. We are currently working on the rulebook. Once the English version is finished, we’ll publish it so you can review it and give us feedbacks. Then we’ll do the translations in the other languages.

Miniatures: As many of you already know, creating miniatures is a long process, because there are many phases to pass to create the molds and start the mass production. Right now, we almost finished the modification and the review of all the miniatures and we are currently in the red wax stage, to make physical samples that are close to the final ones. Here are some photos of the red wax of the land flames and the Cinis Wandering Castle. We’ll do an update about the others once we have them.

Pledge manager

Many of you already compiled the pledge manager, but many didn’t. Please don’t wait and complete it as soon as possible. Thank you!

New project shoutout

As we announced the last update, we are close to launch our new project about tarots. You can learn more here:

Thank you very much as always!

Kindle the Flame!